Learn how to simultaneously configure more than one part when you upload them into OSH Cut's system.
Video Transcript:
Here’s how to simultaneously configure more than one part when you upload them into OSH Cut’s system.
Start by uploading a few parts. The system will process all of them at once. Notice that none of these have units or materials selected. So to start off I’ll click this top left check box that selects all parts. I can optionally deselect individual parts or choose just the ones I want to look at, but I’ll select all. Then the first thing I’ll do is, notice all these controls at the top. One of them is select units so I’ll select that and click inches. The next thing we need is to select a material for all of them. So I will choose a material, top left here. And I’m going to pick eighth inch aluminum. Alright, now they are all configured.
Lets choose finishing options for these parts. I want all of them deburred. Now suppose I want just one of these parts to be a different material. I’ll deselect everything and I’ll pick just this one part. And let’s say I want this in quarter inch steel. So I’ll clear the filters, click steel. Let’s do quarter inch, hot rolled, pickled and oiled steel. And there it is.
This method can save a bunch of time if you’ve got a lot of parts that share materials or that share units or you need to make big changes across the board.