Learn about OSH Cut's sophisticated approach to nesting, as well as how you may be able to score FREE parts with your order.
Video Transcript:
Let’s talk about nesting.
In the sheet metal world you can combine multiple parts onto one sheet of metal and then take advantage of the fact that you can nest and orient them together so that you get better material efficiency. And that has a big impact on the price of your parts.
So in OSH Cut’s system, when you upload parts, we’ll nest it for you and show you the result so you can understand what material you're being charged for and iterate or change the quantities that you order to get the better deal.
Let’s walk through that. I’ve got the OSH Cut app here available at oshcut.com. I’m going to click upload files. And I’ve got some files I’ve worked with in the past so here's a quarter inch steel bracket that we can play with. I’ve got a really good example of the potential power of nesting here that I will show you as well. And I’ll select both of these parts and choose quarter inch steel as the material. And then this is actually in inches.
Alright so that’s everything. Let’s go ahead and remove this engraved feature so we don’t have a warning bothering us here. So let’s do, I don’t know, 10 of these and 5 of these. Alright so we’ve got a first pass price on these parts. They’re a little more expensive because it’s thick steel. I'll go proceed to check out.
So it's actually nesting those parts right now so that it can understand how much it’s actually going to cost. Now in the case of these parts, I expect a pretty good discount. So we’re looking at a discount of just under 10% after nesting. So I can expand that nesting result and see. And as you can see, there’s actually a bit of waste here, so we’re billing you for everything in green here. This little bit of extra space here isn’t actually enough for us to save that as a remnant and reuse it. So we’ve got to bill for it. And then there’s a little bit of wasted space here too.
So the reality is you actually get for free the material of any part that you can fit into these spaces. So I'll go back to the cart, and I’ll just say, well what if we do 6 of these. Price drops a little bit, but hopefully the bigger savings will happen here during check out. So it’s renesting to take that into account. Alright, so actually it's more than 10% savings this time. Before it was a little under, this time it's a little more than 10% savings. I’ll expand the result and you can see why here. It added another one of these. So we’ve got a little bit of wasted space up here, I’m actually not sure that we can save that but we can try. Maybe add 2 more of these parts on the off chance that we can squeeze them in there. Let’s try that. Wait for that to finish. Alright, now we’re saving $31.58. Again more than 10%. And actually it did, it crammed them in there. Funny I didn’t actually plan this to work out this nicely but this is an example of how you can use our nesting results in our platform to understand how to get the best possible price for your parts when you place the order.