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ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Selecting Materials

See how to easily select and adjust material types for your parts, using our growing catalog and helpful filters.

Video Transcript:

Once you’ve uploaded a part, here’s how to pick a material.

Select select material. And then you can sort from a list of options in the main view here. In this case I want aluminum, 5052, and then eighth inch. I can click on it and that sets the material. After it’s been set I can actually revisit it by clicking the edit button here and picking a different material.

If I want to explore a variety of materials, I can filter the list of options on the left hand side and click apply and it’ll give me multiple options that I can choose from. Let’s pick 0.1 inches this time. Once you’ve picked a material in your order, if you go in, it shows you a list of recent materials so if you have multiple parts, it’s easy to select.

Additionally, if you have multiple parts you can click the check box here, and then at the top click select material. And that allows you to change the material of more than one part at once.

Finally, if you click into the part, you also have the option of changing the material here. So there’s lots of ways to do it.